
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Title: My Life
Date posted: Wednesday, September 30, 2009;
Time started: 2:16 AM
Posted by: Wei Nan

DAMM. Spa was a disaster man! My results could'd be tested for gas as i could'd do it, and didn't turn out as expected! Screw it man! Felt like using the lighter and burn up my paper so i could redo! =.= oh well, easy come easy go. Stupid edmund was peeping at my experiment :(

During assembly, we had some mooncake festival celebration. Damm disastrous man! only thing we were interested in was the singing competition, the tea brewing and stuff was super boring. Also, LDW confiscated so many phones, that when placed together, it was almost too many for him to hold in his hand. Around 10 of them? So many people sleeping during assembly time, goes to show our attitute.

Now its time to study! Shyt, i am addicted to korean songs and titanic song.

Expressed by Wei Nan just for you. 2:16 AM.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Title: My Life
Date posted: Sunday, September 27, 2009;
Time started: 5:20 AM
Posted by: Wei Nan

JOYS OF THE WORLD! GU LAO SHI HAS REPLACED THE STUPID HE LAO SHI IN JIANG. And not only that. gu lao shi doesn't insist positioning the OHP at the 2nd row seat, so that means i can stop seating first row liao! woots! Jiang has become a better place for me to learn =) Today had a mega lesson on just 私函and 公函. God those 2 are pure difficult papers to write, but i think the latter is better as less content is needed. But who knows? Later next week's paper's 公函 is super difficult how? haiz, better study all.

Finally managed to finish stupid Le's assignments. I used one whole pencil lead and 4 pieces of gao zhi, how un-environment friendly =.= but at least it helps me memorise the sentences and words =)

Expressed by Wei Nan just for you. 5:20 AM.
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Title: My Life
Date posted: Saturday, September 26, 2009;
Time started: 12:39 AM
Posted by: Wei Nan

Today during 小记者班, we took a super big group photo. And me, standing in the 2nd row, had to half squat for almost 30 minutes. Halfway, Joey got called in by Zhu to take a group photo for us. How nice =)  By the end of the freaking photo taking, my legs were all wobbly and i could'd stand and walk properly liao. God dammit. And for the rest of the day, i was dying to sit down, which i could'd because we were constantly on the move.

Finally, the old principal came. Oh did i mention that today was also the day where the old principal was going to come back to catholic high, and was an excellent opportunity for us to interview him and brush up our interviewing skills. I heard that he was the principal when our prime minister, Lee Hsien Loong and his brother was studying in catholic high! How cool! And Lee Hsien Loong was a band player, clarinetist! <3 The old principal also said sth about liking music and having it as his passion. When the principal came, he was in a super big car, it was almost like a limo! Its like 3/4 as long as a ordinary bus, how cool is that? And when he walked out of the car he looked respectable!

Chen Jie Jue went to bring him to the staff loungue. When he was standing beside the old principal, which was 83 years old, Chen Jie Jue actually looked damm young! i think their age difference of about 10 years. Then soon, the interview began. Thomson chose 9 people, including himself, to do the interview while everyone else went home and slack. 3 people asked questions, 4 took notes, and me and another guy took videos and pictures. I spammed photos on Le's cam and on my phone, and before i knew it, her phone went dead plat. Luckily not china brand =) so i took photos with my phone for the rest of the 45 minutes of the interview. Also, Le's son was making alot of trouble. To quote from thomson,: the boy is so cute, so comfirm is not from Le's genes".

That guy suddenly came in, and so did Le's son

Argh why that guy's paper get in the view, and Le's son playing hp games

thomson asking questions very seriously

Zhu also came in to give some prompting questions, seeing that we were stoning and at lost

Notice in his hand there is a camera, he used it to take a photo of Le and her son

halfway through, his phone suddenly rang. Imagine in that pose, rapping =)

Another group photo. Dam, i am the only one wearing halves

thomson smiling at the camera

When the teachers were gone, managed to get a shot of this pic

At the end of the day, the principal's "limo" had came and the interview had to come to and end. Le quickly gave us some details, and then went to see the principal off. When all the teachers were gone, everyone of us " stole" a bottle of mineral water and left for home. Good day.

Expressed by Wei Nan just for you. 12:39 AM.
Friday, September 25, 2009
Title: My Life
Date posted: Friday, September 25, 2009;
Time started: 2:46 AM
Posted by: Wei Nan

Today morning, got some random hair check. Ms Tan caught like more than 1 third of the class, even Zi Jing was caught for having long side burns. Benedict, who just got his hair cut on tuesday by Ms Tan, was caught again by Ms Khoo -.-  So want blame, blame the parent that called the school :P

OMG. EOYs are getting closer and closer. I have to start mugging my freaking georg and science, maybe english vocab and chinese, if possible maths as well -.-  I am getting more and more nerd... to go, or not to go into triple science? thats the question. but one thing's for sure, i have to start freaking studying.

Sigh sunday got jiang again. That old lady is going to be making a fool again. There is a complete cycle to all this, according to marc. First, she cracks a super lame joke, and start smiling and laughing when no1 is laughing. Then, many people will start laughing, seeing her laugh at her own joke. Then, she will think we likes her joke, makes a even more lame joke, laughs even louder, making us laugh even louder. And the cycle goes on and on and on......

Expressed by Wei Nan just for you. 2:46 AM.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Title: My Life
Date posted: Wednesday, September 23, 2009;
Time started: 1:29 AM
Posted by: Wei Nan

YEAH! At last, the georg test is over. MCQ didn' t really trouble me very much, and structured answers not that difficult so should be able to get a pass at least for this test. Sians, tomorrow's test is sooooooooo pure memory work type. Haiz at least it is not that big of a chapter. Sians keefe is at northpoint, cant study with him yet =( Nvm i shall start studying first.

This song not bad. Korean and Japanese songs are sooooo nice, although chinese songs are nicer.

Freaking edmund song is being violent again. Just got a tough wack on the head by him using my georg textbook -.- Ouchies

Expressed by Wei Nan just for you. 1:29 AM.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Date posted: Tuesday, September 22, 2009;
Time started: 3:39 AM
Posted by: Wei Nan

OMG. MY HAIR LOOKS... FUGLY. thanks to ms tan for cutting my hair, but she quite ok with cutting hair , at least i don't look like am mushroom-.- but still... oh well, my fault for not cutting my hair zzz. lets see for this week :

Wed: georg- chapter 7 -8
Thur: Science sexual reproduction test -.-

Expressed by Wei Nan just for you. 3:39 AM.
Friday, September 18, 2009
Title: My Life
Date posted: Friday, September 18, 2009;
Time started: 8:24 PM
Posted by: Wei Nan

ok i have not been updating regularly, thats mainly because the EOYs are coming in 2 weeks time, and i have hardly prepared. anyway, here is a some what late blog post of the science centre trip.

Last friday, went to science centre ( again-.-) and we did something about bacteria and DNA. We were given this tub of ice to put our samples into, but stupid benedict keep putting his hand inside until all the ice melted and cannot keep our experiment cold.-.- while others tubs are all filled to the brim with ice, ours were filled with water, icy cold water. Then benedict and edmund were being childish and spraying each other ethanol on their paper and into the glove. Stupid edmund sprayed some into my glove, and my hand was so freaking itchy and smelly. And some idiot sprayed some onto the bunsen burner, and if not for the bunsen burner being emty, i think it would have burst into flames already.

Snapshot of thomson and eugen's plate. i dunno who's the 3rd one belongs to.

Expressed by Wei Nan just for you. 8:24 PM.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Title: My Life
Date posted: Saturday, September 12, 2009;
Time started: 1:54 AM
Posted by: Wei Nan

Ouch my hand hurts. Currently rushing through both my sch holiday's homework and my tuition homework. Now i left the tuition worsheet and english compre. ~sigh~, the holidays is almost over already. Time really flies. In another 1 month, it would be EOYs already. And the last band practice just ended yesterday. Next one will be after EOYs -.-.

Expressed by Wei Nan just for you. 1:54 AM.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Title: My Life
Date posted: Wednesday, September 9, 2009;
Time started: 3:45 AM
Posted by: Wei Nan

Sectionals today. Managed to barely get through the songs that were" difficullt", apparently to benson. Even Timothy Sim had to teach him. Played soccer after band, and my soccer skills are starting to suck. Missed 8 out of 10 shots for penalty shootout, but saved 9 out of 10 when i was goal keeping. I kept using the wrong part of my foot to score. Then after that went to play basketball with Tzung Ern and Shoki. Stupid Tzung could do a half court shot, while i cant, because of the height factor. At least i can dunk like him =) Damm i am only half through my holiday homework, and half the week is over already, time flies when your having fun. Model making, due on monday, damm it man. At least aspen and Thomson already plan it, left reflections and the actual creation.

Expressed by Wei Nan just for you. 3:45 AM.
Monday, September 7, 2009
Title: My Life
Date posted: Monday, September 7, 2009;
Time started: 5:29 AM
Posted by: Wei Nan

Oral sucked. The passage was pretty easy, considering i read it before, the discussion part was still
pretty difficult. She was like asking quesitons i had no idea what the answer was. damm.

When is New Moon gonna be showed? i just cant wait to watch it =(
Lenka's songs are addictive. They are like drugs that found their way in me and made me get hooked. argh!

there is the theme song for wizards of waverly place movie which is dam dam nice! The show was great! except for the fact that it wasn't that funny. Lots of old jokes inside.:

Expressed by Wei Nan just for you. 5:29 AM.
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Title: My Life
Date posted: Saturday, September 5, 2009;
Time started: 7:47 PM
Posted by: Wei Nan

Homecoming was a great success! Came to school with hang siang, and when we stepped in, the music of famous songs and laughters greeted us. Met gwyn and when to the com lab to play dota lan. Donated a freaking 8 bucks to joel chien's class, thank me ahs! Then zhe wei bitched me into buying $2 worth of otah which i could'd even eat cos it was so dam spicy. Argh and mr teng said it was not spicy.then went to collect my "ipasta". The pasta and fries were great, but seeing the guy make grass jelly made me laugh. He go take the cup, put lots of sugar in it, and i was thinking: wow, so sweet. must be dam nice. But then, when he was scooping some drink in, he go pour all the sugar out. It tasted DISGUSTING!   after drinking it, i wanted to vomit already. Also saw ms tan getting dunked. And what a huge splash it was.Wanted to play lazer tag, but spent all my money already.
took with khiang leon at the shop. Oh did i mention that there was dog shit near our stall? so freakin smelly la!  at the end of the day, benedict and dillon and ming lun and ezbon and zhang hao and I was playing water bombs, dillon and ezbon were the wettest. :P

Expressed by Wei Nan just for you. 7:47 PM.
Friday, September 4, 2009
Title: My Life
Date posted: Friday, September 4, 2009;
Time started: 7:34 AM
Posted by: Wei Nan

Ok, i found out that my class's booths will be beside the rockwall. -.- Band is doing busking, and both are so boring to me. i shall go check out the dota competition. Wanted go but had no team, so sian. through out the wholeday, class after class after cca after cca came in and out to promote their stuff. some loser took some stones from my class, i think he is terrence yeo. Oh and zhang hao is getting real violent. He was like bashing jeremy up lor, so ridiculous for a class chairman. And Zi Jing also, ask people to lower their volume, when he is the one playing a fool and making the most noise. And both of them have the right to eat in class while the rest doesn't? what is this? oh well, i don't care liao. Oh and linked viclaus, your welcome. Homecoming tomorrow!

Pretty nice tune and lyrics. And LOVE the voice.

Expressed by Wei Nan just for you. 7:34 AM.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Title: My Life
Date posted: Thursday, September 3, 2009;
Time started: 5:45 AM
Posted by: Wei Nan

Okay, i have finally completed the last passage of the oral examination this monday. I think passages should be ok, but the discussion part, not so much. Discussion is so difficult, i wish they would just give a pictorial question. That would be so much better. During IT lesson, someone used the computer and tag on someones blog using my name, dam lame and retarded. I realised that benedict has broken up with his girlfriend, no wonder he was so emo in class the whole day yesterday. Haiz, love sick boy.

Band was quite okay, except for the poor discipline of the band members. I was pretty annoyed by the saxophone senior, keeps talking, still dare scold his juniors for " talking ". Make shoki keep on need to stop and ask the band to shut up. Then after band even worse, until jin sheng got enough of calling us to lower the volume and pump us. Then, fall us in and still pump us.

2 more days to homecoming. Finally found out that my class would be having I think its gonna be located at the plaza, just have to find the exact location. Dota competition, i still need people in my team. So far i have enzen, maybe george and maybe zhe wei. Need people, only $4 per person, so come join. Top prize $200 sia.

Expressed by Wei Nan just for you. 5:45 AM.

Me, myself and i.

Welcome to my blog.
Name : Wei Nan
School : Catholic High.
Country : Singapore
Aged : 14
Likes : band, some1 and friends
Dislikes : Waking up before noon, bullies
July 2009| August 2009| September 2009| October 2009|

xuan ming (Ah pa),
Benson Leom,
Ms Chow,
Rui En,
Zhe Wei,
Jin Hong mom,
Shawn Teo
Yi Zhen
Wen Wei

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